Friday, February 27, 2009
89. German language blurb on KV from 1949
The author does not claim to be a German scholar by any stretch of the imagination, but the piece essentially says:
* He also claims he has 145,000 followers;
* He was jailed recently following his ex-wife's complaints that he has failed to child support his two minor children, which is embarrassing for a messiah; and
* He has since been bonded out of jail on bail.
Any German translators out there are more than welcome to correct me in this regard! I promise I will not take offense whatsoever.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
88. Krishna Venta mentioned in Tom Cruise biography

87. Manson weighs in
Uh, wrong...
86. Leslie Van Houten, 2002
Yes. Manson got Pat and I out of the ranch area shortly after the murders and he told us to go stay at a place called Fountain of the World, which was an abandoned religious site in Box Canyon. And we stayed there for I don't know how long, and then we ended up in the desert.
85. Ghost towns
"I'm new to this site and saw a few posts regarding C. Manson locations. I have extensive knowledge of the Manson Caves and all locations involving the "Family". Regarding the chatsworth/simi valley area, there are places like the Manson Caves; Skull Rock (where LSD induced human sacrifices were taken place); Spahn's Ranch (including the rock C.M. carved his initials in the waterfall and bathing area and the wave cave which is in that famous pic of some of the "Family" squatting in. I have pics of these places too. I only have one scanned and saved though (me coming out of the Hell Hole entrance of the caves). The caves are not in Box Canynon like I've read on this site. They are in the hills above Santa Susana pass. And this isn't the best time to go climbing up there with the rain. The Skull Rock (Fountain of the World cult) is in Box Caynon. The cult still lives in the house which is still on the property of the skull rock. The caves were actually Krishna Venta's (F.O.T.W. cult leader who was dynamited in the caves) caves. C.M. and the "family" learned of the caves from them."
84. Author unknown
This morning (after meditating on Adi Da) I drove up to
Burbank to the Valhalla Memorial Park, where Krishna Venta
is buried. Krishna Venta (born Francis Penkovic) was
another L.A.-based guru active in the 1950s. I guess very
few people have heard of him. He had a commune in the
desert by Chatsworth. I think it was called The Fountain of
the World or something like that. The guy wore white robes
and long hair and a beard years before the hippie movement.
He was probably the first American-born neo-Hindu guru in
these parts though he also claimed to be the Messiah. In
1958 some disgruntled followers accused him of fooling
around with their wives and blew him (and themseles) to
smithereens with a few pounds of dynamite. He's buried in
an unmarked plot. I had to ask a cemetary guide to locate
it for me and take me there. Then I told him the guy's
story, as apparently no one there had ever heard of him.
The guide also showed me Oliver Hardy's plot (of Laurel and
Hardy fame) which is nearby.
Krishna Venta is known to me only because he's mentioned in
a book about Charles Manson. Evidently when Charlie first
arrived in Southern Cal from jail in '68 or '69 he spent
some time at KV's commune and was fed and cared for by the
devotees, though KV was long dead. Then Charlie walked a
few miles over the hills and settled in at Spahn Ranch,
where of course he started his own commune and decided to
play the Messiah game himself.
82. "The Guru"
The Guru
As Krishna Venta, Pencovick claimed to be the reincarnation of JesusChrist and set up the headquarters of his cult in a canyon near theSan Fernando Valley in California, not far from where Manson wouldlater set up his community. Like Manson most of his followers wereyoung women. Venta was killed December 10, 1958 in a suicide bombing(the bomb consisting of 47 sticks of dynamite!) carried out by RalphMuller, 33, and Peter Kamenoff, 42, cult members who had come todoubt that the divine Master was in fact the true messiah after alland had simply been making it up all along as well as indulging insome decidedly un-Christian practices with their wives. Aftercomplaining in vain to the state attorney general's office the twomade their suicide attack on the cult's HQ the blast killing not onlythe 47 year old self-proclaimed prophet as well as themselves butfive other adults and two children. The death of the incarnategreat "universal consciousness" being confirmed by examination of hisrather more mortal dental bridgework.
Although there were many differences between Manson and KrishnaVenta, and their respective "followers", like him Manson's downfallcame as a result of the actions of some of his own "cult" members, inManson's case after their murdering of several rich and famouspersons - supposedly in his name and the testimony of one of themthat he had ordered the killings.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
81. Another copyrighted photo
Priest Paul and Sister Elvira would both die in the bombing of December 10, 1958, and Sister Bitzi would relocate to the Alaska Fountain for a time. (See http://www.homertribune.com/archive.php?aid=464) Is that Oak Ridge Boys tune creeping into anyone else's head? Giddy-up-a-oom-pop-a-oom-pop-a-mow-mow...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
74. Keith Green and the Fountain of the World

Charles Manson is also known to have performed a time or two at these Saturday night shows circa 1968 and 1969, although the reception to his music was reportedly only lukewarm at best.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
73. Maya Angelou and the Fountain of the World...sort of...
On Page 53 of the book Brother Asaiah, Martha Ellen Anderson writes that at the Fountain there was a female member, "Sister Cathy, a white girl who had been married to a black gentleman called Bailey Johnson, whose sister has become one of the great black writers, Maya Angelou."
Friday, February 6, 2009
72. Paper, paper everywhere...
Since I've been working with it this afternoon, I thought I'd share with everyone a couple of photographs of the stacks of documents I've received in the past couple of months from various former members of the Fountain of the World. Right now it all looks like this:
However, with any luck, it will soon look like this:
Oh, and here's a freebie of another tub containing the rough drafts of the various sections of my book on Krishna Venta:

And this doesn't even include the books (hardbacks and paperbacks alike), the electronic documents and data, and all of the hours of interviews that I've amassed!
[Note from February 17, 2009: the documents depicted above were organized on February 7, 2009. The moderator of this blog is now in possession of just under 1,200 documents regarding Krishna Venta and/or the Fountain of the World.]
Monday, February 2, 2009
71. Perspective (Buddy Holly)
70. Kamenoff & Muller

From an article titled "The Fire," this photo's caption says, "[T]wo bearded members of the Fountain of the World faith take over cooking duties at a forward fire camp."